VEX IQ ….the Pithons
On Feb 11th, our VEX IQ team, grades 6-8, went to their provincial competition at the Woodlands school in Mississauga. They presented their project to the judges on the iRobot and a possible accessory to let them climb the stairs to another level of your house! They...
FIRST LEGO League West Provincials (Feb 4)
So much has happened since Feb. 4th, and I will try to update it all for you. First, for our FLL teams, they need to be celebrated for their awesome achievements at the Ontario West Provincials at the University of Waterloo! We had 3 teams at provincials representing...Pilon’s past Game Design Challenges
Each year the Vex teams around the world are challenged to online challenges in addition to their robots. The animation challenge is to create an animated video that shows and explains a new VEX Robotics Competition game using the assigned game pieces and with the...Pilons past Promote videos
The Promote Award is presented to a VEX Robotics Competition (VRC) or VEX U team that has created and submitted an outstanding promotional video. The goal of this video is to help the team introduce itself in the community, to help recruit new students and mentors,...
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