Mar 29, Apr 5, 12, (no 19), 26, May 3, 10, (no 17), 24, 31, Jun 7, 14

WeeBots Grade 1

No Prerequisite

9:30 – 11am


WeeBots Grade 2

No Prerequisite

11:30am – 1pm


Robot 3

Robot 2 Prerequisite

9:30 – 11am


Robot 1

Grade 4+ No Exceptions

11:30am – 1pm



Apr 1, (no 8), 15, 22, 29, May (no 6, 13), 20, 27, Jun 3, 10, 17, 24

Robot 4

Robot 3 Prerequisite

5 – 6:30pm


Robot 2

Robot 1 Prerequisite

7 – 8:30pm


Robot 3

Robot 2 Prerequisite

7 – 8:30pm



Apr 2, (no 9), 16, 23, 30, May (no 7, 14), 21, 28, Jun 4, 11, 18, 25

WeeBots Grade 3

No Prerequisite

5 – 6:30pm


Robot 1

Grade 4+ No Exceptions

7 – 8:30pm


Robot 5

Specific Prerequisite*

7- 8:30pm


*Please contact to see if your student can take this class.


Apr 3, (no 10), 17, 24, May 1, (no 8, 15), 22, 29, Jun 5, 12, 19, 26

Robot 4

Robot 3 Prerequisite

5 – 6:30pm


Robot 2

Robot 1 Prerequisite

7 – 8:30pm



We will be offering Robot Build classes on Thursdays at some time after May.

Prerequisite for these classes are still being determined and we will send emails to announce them.

Our most common question; “my kiddo has scratch experience what level should they be taking?”

It is REALLY important to note at this point that while your student may have Scratch experience that does not mean they have LEGO EV3 Scratch experience. The LEGO environment utilizes their version of the MIT scratch language but in most circumstances, students will not have been taught the EV3 robot along with Scratch.

This means that Level 1 will be the correct starting place for their E-Bot’s experience if they are new to working with us and if they have previous scratch experience.

Please remember that only 10% of our teaching is focused on the environment/language and the remainder is on the logic of programming that extends across languages and platforms and the soft skills (critical thinking, analysis, problem solving, etc) that goes hand in hand.

Our Referral Program

A family, who have taken at minimum one class/program, may refer a NEW student to E-Bots (Robot 1, or first time WeeBots program).

Both the new student & the referring family will receive a $10 discount.

The new student will receive the discount on the program they are registrating for. The referring family will receive the discount on their next session they register for. This is due to the “no limit” policy we have for those who are referring friends, so several referral discounts can come in during the registration process.

There is no limit to how many referral discounts a referring family can receive towards the cost of their own programs!


– Referrals cannot be used for siblings from the same families

– Referral credits are non-transferrable

– Referrals MUST be on the registration forms at the time of registering and will not be honoured after registration

– Referrals are only on Robot 1 & WeeBots programs.

– There are no “cash” value associated to the discount, and families won’t be reimbursed for “referral credits” unused.