Looking for a different type of class?
*Prices are subject to change for the 2025/26 Season and at the moment are reflective of 2024/25 Season
Robot 1
Intro to LEGO Robotics
295/a season
- No Prerequisites
- Students must be in Grade 4+ September 24/25
- Max Class size is 10 students.
- As of March 2021 Students will be introduced to EV3 Classroom, Scratch based programming environment.
- Children will learn what a robot is, how it works, and what sensors are available to make it come to life. Sensors will be explained through analysis, experiment and observation in an interactive environment.
Robot 2
Intermediate Programming
295/a season
- Robot 1 Prerequisite
- Max Class size is 10 students.
- In Robot 2 Students will advance and tune their new found Robot 1 Skills in this intermediate programing course.
- Building on the back of their hands-on knowlegde of their robots, students will be introduced to the world of variables, proper syntax, if/then/else and conditional statements (just to name a few). They learn to understand, recognize and ultimately utilize them in practical and real world applications. A large portion of the class is learning to recognize bugs in their codes as we work through them as a class.
- Faced with their first robotic projects students will be tasked with analyzing and problem solving through code in order to complete some Olympic themed challenges.
Robot 3
Advanced Programming
295/a season
- Robot 2 Prerequisite
- Max Class size is 10 students.
- Armed with their Robot 1 & 2 base and their new Robot 3 programming concepts; boolean/string variables, OR statements, Multiconditional waits and declarations (just to name a few). Students will complete our Indiana Jones Maze or ‘Frogger’ (equipped with moving walls, changing passage ways) that their robots will navigate completely automously.
- Special attention is spent in this class learning efficent testing skills, advanced problem solving, bug detection and tools to help with their continued exploration into robotics.
- This class is a pre-requisite for participation on an E-Bots Learner FIRST LEGO League Team.
Robot 4
Intro to SPIKE Prime
295/a season
- Robot 3 Prerequisite
- Max Class size is 10 students.
- SPIKE Prime is the newest release of the LEGO Robotics Family.
- Robot 4 is spent learning and investigating this new robot and it’s environment. Students introduced to new sensors, a whole new CPU and a new programming environment; the good the bad and the ugly.
- Students will work towards writing a robotic ‘Mastermind‘ game using their new programming skills; arrays/lists, sequences, flow control structures, absolute/proportional and PID (Proportional, Integral, Derivative).
- In Robot 4 the expectation for students is that they now can recognize errors in the robots preformance, zone in on the error in their code or hardward and potentially correct their errors themselves. We will spend a lot of time practicing their debugging skills learned from previous Robot sessions.
Experience Team
900/a season
- Successful Robot 3 Completion (Teacher Approved)
- UPDATED for 2024/25
- There will only be TWO Experience Teams in 2025/25. Priority will be made for students in Grade 6+.
- Max Class size is 7-8 students.
- In the last few years we’ve seen a huge increase in the amount of interest in our competitive FIRST LEGO League teams. We’ve also noticed that a lot of kiddos join but really don’t understand what FLL is or have the soft skills necessary to be successful at it.
- Students participate just like an FLL Team, they will be coached, taught and get to compete at a regional event just like our competitive teams.
- Students who participate will only be given one FLL Season. Some students MAY be elligible to participate in one of our competitive teams in years subsequent should they have the eligible classes and be invited to participate.
- *price is an approximation.
Python 1
Introduction to MicroPython
370/a season
- Prerequisite; Scratch 4/Robot 4
- Students will be introduced to MicroPython, syntax based language. Python is an interpreted, high-level and general-purpose programming language. Python’s design philosophy emphasizes code readability with its notable use of significant whitespace. Its language constructs and object-oriented approach aim to help programmers write clear, logical code for small and large-scale projects
- Students will be using Microsoft Visual Studios as their programming environment.
Python 2
Intermediate MicroPython
370/a season
- Prerequisite; Python1
- Students will be using the EV3 robot to learn the new interface and their new language.
- Students will be using Microsoft Visual Studios as their programming environment.
- This class is pre-requisite for participation on an E-Bots Competitive FIRST LEGO League Team.
Python 3
Advanced MicroPython
370/a season
- Prerequisite; Python2
- Students will be introduced to fundamentals required to be competitive in robotics competitions.
- Students will be using Microsoft Visual Studios as their programming environment.
Things to note
- Children MUST have the prequisite class for the class they are registering for.
- If you feel your child may know more than Class A please contact info@ebots.ca for an assessment.
- Children cannot move on from one level to the next without permission from their teachers.
- Every child is unique and different and so too are their learning styles. Not all children learn as quickly as others and for that reason our program is not “pass/fail”. Children may require a secondary pass at some concepts and if so should never be considered “failure”.